Form DSD 27. Permission to Use Dealer's License Plates - Virginia

Form DSD 27. Permission to Use Dealer's License Plates - Virginia

Form DSD 27 - Permission to Use Dealer's License Plates is issued by licensed motor vehicle dealers in Virginia to authorize a person (customer or Dealer Authorized Individual) to use the dealer's license plates for a specified period and purpose.

The parties involved in this form are licensed motor vehicle dealers, customers, Dealer Authorized Individuals, and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The form consists of sections where the dealer must provide the necessary information about the authorized individual, including their name, address, and purpose of using the license plates.

Important fields in this form include the information of the authorized individual and the period for which the dealer authorizes the use of their license plates. The form may also include instructions for properly completing the authorization and ensuring that it is issued only to authorized individuals for legitimate purposes.

For example, a licensed motor vehicle dealer has a customer who just purchased a vehicle and needs to drive it home before obtaining permanent registration. The dealer issues Form DSD 27 to the customer, authorizing the temporary use of their license plates for the drive home. Once the customer completes the registration process, they return the plates to the dealer.

Related forms or alternatives to this form may include the Permit to Use Dealer or Temporary Transport Plate on Trucks or Tractor Trucks (Form DSD 27-A), which allows motor vehicle dealers to permit prospective purchasers or their authorized agents to use a dealer or transport plate on trucks or tractor trucks for a specific period or mileage. Both forms involve temporary plate usage, but Form DSD 27 is for authorizing individuals to use dealer's license plates, while Form DSD 27-A is for permitting the use of dealer or transport plates on specific vehicles for a limited duration or distance.