DA Form 5019. Condition of Employment for Certain Civilian Positions Identified Critical Under the Department of the Army Drug-Free Federal Workplace Program

DA Form 5019. Condition of Employment for Certain Civilian Positions Identified Critical Under the Department of the Army Drug-Free Federal Workplace Program

Form DA 5019 is a Condition of Employment for Certain Civilian Positions Identified Critical Under the Department of the Army Drug-Free Federal Workplace Program. This form is used to inform civilian employees in critical positions about the requirement for a drug-free workplace and to obtain their acknowledgment and agreement to comply with drug testing and related policies.

The form consists of sections where the employee acknowledges their understanding of the drug-free workplace policy and agrees to comply with drug testing and related requirements. The form may also include sections for explaining the consequences of non-compliance with the drug-free workplace policy.

Important fields in this form include accurate documentation of the employee's acknowledgment and agreement to comply with the drug-free workplace policy. Ensuring employees in critical positions understand the policy and their obligations is essential for maintaining a safe and productive work environment.

Application Example: An employee is hired for a critical position that requires compliance with the drug-free workplace policy. The employer uses Form DA 5019 to inform the employee about the policy, obtain their acknowledgment, and secure their commitment to comply with drug testing and related requirements.

Related Forms: There may be other forms used for informing employees about workplace policies and obtaining their acknowledgment and agreement to comply with specific requirements.