DA Form 4106. Incident Report

DA Form 4106. Incident Report

DA Form 4106 an incident report form used the U.S. Army to document and report incidents or accidents that occur within the organization. This form helps capture essential details about the incident for investigation, analysis, and potential corrective actions.

The form typically includes sections for recording information such as the date, time, location, description of the incident, individuals involved, witnesses, injuries or damages sustained, and any immediate actions taken. It may also include sections for documenting follow-up actions, recommendations, and signatures personnel involved in the reporting processp>

Accurate and timely completion of the form is critical for maintaining safety, identifying trends or patterns, and implementing preventive measures. This form serves as a valuable record for incident management, reporting, and analysis.

Related Forms: There may not direct alternatives to DA Form 4106, as it specifically addresses incident reporting in the U.S. Army. However, other forms related to safety reporting, accident investigation, or risk management may exist for specific organizational needs.