DA Form 2249. Chaplains` Fund Statement of Operations and Net Worth

DA Form 2249. Chaplains` Fund Statement of Operations and Net Worth

The DA Form 2249 is used to document the financial operations and net worth of the Chaplains' Fund within the Department of the Army. This form serves as a statement of financial position for the fund, providing an overview of its income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.

The form consists of several important fields, including the reporting period, details of income sources and amounts, expenses incurred, assets held by the fund, liabilities or debts owed, and the resulting net worth. It may also include additional remarks or explanations related to the financial activities of the Chaplains' Fund.

When filling out the DA Form 2249, it is crucial to accurately record all financial transactions and ensure that the statement reflects the true financial position of the fund. Attention should be given to proper categorization and documentation of income and expenses, as well as the accurate valuation of assets and liabilities.

An example use case for this form would be when preparing the annual financial statement for the Chaplains' Fund, summarizing its financial activities over a specific period. The DA Form 2249 helps provide transparency and accountability regarding the fund's financial operations and assists in budgeting and decision-making processes.