AF Form 4355. Vehicle Incoming Inspection

AF Form 4355. Vehicle Incoming Inspection

AF Form 4355 serves as a Vehicle Incoming Inspection form within the Air Force.

This form is used to document the inspection of incoming vehicles, whether newly acquired or returning from deployments or missions. It includes sections for vehicle details, inspection results, and signatures of inspecting personnel. The parties involved are vehicle receiving personnel, inspectors, and vehicle maintenance teams.

Example scenario: The Air Force acquires new vehicles or receives vehicles returning from overseas deployments. AF Form 4355 is used to inspect these incoming vehicles, ensuring that they meet safety and operational standards and that any issues are documented for repair or maintenance before deployment or use on base.

The AF Form 4355, Vehicle Incoming Inspection, is used to document the inspection of a military vehicle upon arrival, ensuring that it meets safety and operational standards. This form helps maintain a record of the vehicle's condition, any issues identified, and the necessary repairs or maintenance actions to be taken.

Key Sections and Fields:

Section I - General Information:

  1. Asset ID: Unique identification for the vehicle being inspected.
  2. M/H/K (Current): Make/Model/Kind of the vehicle.
  3. Maint. Team Assigned: The maintenance team responsible for the vehicle.
  4. Inspector/Number: Name and identification number of the inspector.
  5. NMC Date/Time: Date and time when the vehicle was declared "Not Mission Capable" (NMC).
  6. Work Order ID: Identification number for the associated work order.
  7. Work Order Reason: Reason for initiating the work order (e.g., accident, abuse, routine maintenance).
  8. WRM (War Reserve Material)? Y/N: Indicates whether the vehicle is part of the war reserve material.
  9. Nuclear? Y/N: Indicates whether the vehicle has any nuclear components.
  10. Reimb? Y/N: Indicates whether the maintenance is eligible for reimbursement.
  11. LIN/TAMCN: Line Item Number (LIN) or Table of Allowance Master Control Number (TAMCN) for the vehicle.
  12. Accident/Abuse: Indicates if the vehicle inspection is related to an accident or abuse.
  13. NMCS (VFM/VMS Approval): Approval section for verification of the vehicle's mission-capable status.
  14. VFM/VMS & MC (Initial Start/Stop): Sections to record the initials of individuals responsible for verifying mission capability.
  15. FM&A & MC (Initials): Initials of individuals responsible for confirming mission capability.
  16. Start Date/Time - Stop Date/Time: Record the date and time when different phases of the inspection process begin and end.

Section II - Inspection Items:

This section lists various vehicle components and systems to be inspected, with checkboxes for "Pass" (P), "Fail" (F), or "Not Applicable" (NA) for each item. These items include checks related to vehicle markings, heater/air conditioner, tires/rims, lights, brakes, battery, and more.

Section III - Required Repairs:

In this section, details of any required repairs or maintenance are documented. Each entry includes:

  • Job #: A unique identifier for each repair job.
  • Work Plan ID/Desc: Identification and description of the repair work to be performed.
  • Work Plan Type CD: Code indicating the type of repair work.
  • Service Performed: Description of the service or repair performed.
  • Tech Name: Name of the technician performing the work.
  • Est Hours: Estimated hours required for the repair.

Back Side:

This section is similar to Section III on the front side, providing additional space to document required repairs and maintenance actions for the vehicle.

Note: The form includes a prescribed date, indicating the date of the form's last revision and the reference (AFI24-302) governing its use. The previous edition is declared obsolete.

The AF Form 4355 is a comprehensive tool for inspecting incoming military vehicles, ensuring that they meet operational standards and documenting any necessary repairs or maintenance actions. It helps maintain vehicle readiness and safety in military operations.
