Form LIC 281D. Application And Supporting Documentation Checklist Foster Family Agency - California
Form LIC 281D is used in California as an application and supporting documentation checklist for foster family agencies. Its main purpose is to provide guidance to applicants regarding the required documents and information needed for obtaining a license to operate a foster family agency.
Form LIC 281E. Application And Supporting documentation Checklist Short - Term Residential Therapeutic Program - California
Form LIC 281E is used in California for the application of a Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP).
Form LIC 283. Foster Family Home Application - California
Form LIC 283 is used in California for the application of a Foster Family Home license. Its main purpose is to gather information and documentation required for obtaining a license to operate a foster family home, ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards.
Form LIC 283A. Foster Family Home Application Instructions - California
Form LIC 283A is an instructional document used in California to guide applicants through the process of completing the Foster Family Home Application (Form LIC 283). Its main purpose is to provide detailed instructions on how to fill out each section of the application accurately.
Form LIC 300A. Removal Confirmation - Exemption Needed - California
Form LIC 300A is used in California for the removal confirmation when an exemption is needed. Its main purpose is to document and confirm the removal of a child or children from a licensed facility or program due to the need for an exemption.
Form LIC 300B. Removal Confirmation - Denial - California
Form LIC 300B is used in California for the removal confirmation when a removal request has been denied. Its main purpose is to document and confirm the denial of a request to remove a child or children from a licensed facility or program.
Form LIC 300C. Removal Confirmation - Rescinded - California
Form LIC 300C is used in California for the removal confirmation when a previous removal decision has been rescinded. Its main purpose is to document and confirm that a child or children previously removed from a licensed facility or program are being returned or reinstated.
Form LIC 300D. Removal Confirmation - Non-Exemptible - California
Form LIC 300D is used in California for the removal confirmation when a child or children are being removed from a licensed facility or program, and no exemption applies to the removal. Its main purpose is to document and confirm the non-exemptible removal.
Form LIC 300E. Removal Confirmation - County - California
Form LIC 300E is used in California for the removal confirmation when a child or children are being removed from a licensed facility or program under the jurisdiction of the county.
Form LIC 301. Reference Request - California
Form LIC 301 is used in California for requesting references as part of the application or evaluation process for obtaining a license or certification from the California Department of Social Services.