OCFS-5300A. Emergency Foster Home Application
Form OCFS-5300A, titled "Emergency Foster Home Application," is a critical document used by individuals seeking to become emergency foster parents under the jurisdiction of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS).
OCFS-5300B. Prospective Emergency Foster Parent Statement
Form OCFS-5300B, titled "Prospective Emergency Foster Parent Statement," is a significant document designed to capture personal statements and insights from individuals interested in becoming emergency foster parents within the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) network.
OCFS-5300C. Expedited Home Study Evaluation
Form OCFS-5300C - Expedited Home Study Evaluation is designed to facilitate the expedited home study process for prospective foster and adoptive families.
OCFS-5300D. Expedited Home Study Checklist for Caseworker
Form OCFS-5300D - Expedited Home Study Checklist for Caseworker assists caseworkers in conducting thorough and efficient expedited home study evaluations for prospective foster and adoptive families.
OCFS-5356. Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) Long-Stayer Review Form
Form OCFS-5356 - Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) Long-Stayer Review Form serves as a tool to review and assess the progress and needs of children who have been placed in a Qualified Residential Treatment Program.
Form TS 219. Fuel Tax Refund Application - Exports - Virginia
Form TS 219 - Fuel Tax Refund Application - Exports serves as a means to apply for a fuels tax refund on fuel purchased in bulk in Virginia and subsequently exported to another state. This form assists in claiming a refund for fuels tax paid on fuel exported out of Virginia.
Form TS 221. Fuels Tax Refund Application for Fuel Used in Taxi Operation - Virginia
Form TS 221 - Fuels Tax Refund Application for Fuel Used in Taxi Operation is employed to apply for a fuels tax refund for fuel used in operating a taxi. This form assists taxi operators in claiming a refund on the Virginia Fuels Tax paid for fuel used in their taxi services.
Form TS 225. Fuels Tax Refund Application for Regular Route Common Carrier of Passengers - Virginia
Form TS 225 - Fuels Tax Refund Application for Regular Route Common Carrier of Passengers is utilized by regular route common carriers of passengers to apply for a fuels tax refund.
Form TSS 6. Time and Activity Tracking Non-Profit Organizations, Universities, State Agencies - Virginia
Form TSS 6 - Time and Activity Tracking Non-Profit Organizations, Universities, State Agencies serves as a tool for non-profit organizations, state agencies, and universities to identify and track personnel and activities associated with completing grant objectives.
Form TSS 10C. Highway Safety Project Grant - Line Item Budget Adjustment Request - Virginia
Form TSS 10C - Highway Safety Project Grant - Line Item Budget Adjustment Request is employed to request an adjustment to line items in the budget of a highway safety project grant. This form aids in modifying the budget allocation within the context of the grant.