AF Form 4446A. Department of the Air Force Physical Fitness Screening Questionnaire (FSQ)

AF Form 4446A. Department of the Air Force Physical Fitness Screening Questionnaire (FSQ)

The AF Form 4446A is a Physical Fitness Screening Questionnaire (FSQ) used by the Department of the Air Force to gather information about an individual's medical history and potential limitations related to physical fitness.

The main purpose of the form is to ensure that Air Force personnel are physically capable of performing their job duties without risk of injury or worsening existing conditions. The FSQ consists of several parts, including personal information, medical history, current health status, and any limitations or restrictions related to physical activity.

AF Form 4446. Department of the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard

AF Form 4446. Department of the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment Scorecard

The AF 4446 is a physical fitness assessment scorecard used by the Department of the Air Force. Its main purpose is to assess the physical fitness of Air Force personnel and determine their readiness for certain duties and missions.

The form consists of several parts, including personal information, body composition measurements, physical fitness test results, and overall assessment scores. Important fields on the form include age, gender, height, weight, body fat percentage, push-up and sit-up counts, and run times.

AF Form 24. Application for Appointment as Reserve of the Air Force or USAF without Component

AF Form 24. Application for Appointment as Reserve of the Air Force or USAF without Component

The AF 24 form is an application to become a Reserve of the Air Force or USAF without Component. Its main purpose is to collect information about the applicant's personal and military background, as well as their contact information and desired position in the Air Force.

AF Form 171. Request for Driver Training and Addition to U.S. Government Driver's License

AF Form 171. Request for Driver Training and Addition to U.S. Government Driver's License

The AF 171 form is a request for driver training and addition to the U.S. Government Driver's License. The purpose of this form is to enable individuals to apply for driver training and obtain an official driver's license from the U.S. government.

The form consists of several important parts, such as personal information, driving qualifications, and certifications. The parties involved in this process are the applicant and the U.S. government.


AF Form 56. Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a Commission in the United States Air Force

AF Form 56. Application & Evaluation for Training Leading to a Commission in the United States Air Force

AF Form 56 is an application and evaluation form used in the United States Air Force for training leading to a commission. This form serves as a record of the applicant's qualifications and is used to evaluate their eligibility for acceptance into the program.

AF Form 4394. Air Force User Agreement Statement

AF 4394. Air Force User Agreement Statement

The AF 4394, also known as the Air Force User Agreement Statement, is a formal document used by the United States Air Force to obtain consent from its users to access and use various information systems.

The main purpose of the form is to ensure that authorized personnel are granted access to Air Force information systems while maintaining security and privacy standards. It consists of several sections, including personal identifying information, terms and conditions, and certification.