DA Form 4998-R. Quality Control and Surveillance Record for Toe Medical Assemblage (LRA)

DA Form 4998-R. Quality Control and Surveillance Record for Toe Medical Assemblage (LRA)

Form DA 4998-R is a Quality Control and Surveillance Record for Toe Medical Assemblage (LRA). This form is used to document quality control checks and surveillance activities for medical assemblage equipment used by the military. The purpose of this form is to ensure that medical equipment is properly maintained and functioning effectively to support medical operations.

The form consists of sections where information about the medical equipment is recorded, including the equipment type, serial number, and date of inspection. The form may also include sections for documenting any issues or deficiencies found during the inspection and the actions taken to address them.

Important fields in this form include accurate recording of inspection results and the details of any maintenance or repairs performed. Properly maintaining medical equipment is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of military personnel and patients.

Application Example: Medical personnel use Form DA 4998-R to conduct regular inspections and maintenance checks on medical equipment in a field hospital. By using this form, medical staff can identify any equipment issues early on and take corrective actions to keep the equipment in optimal working condition.

Related Forms: There may be other forms used for documenting quality control and maintenance activities for various types of military equipment and assets.