Form VSA 18. Beneficiary Transaction Request - Virginia

Form VSA 18. Beneficiary Transaction Request - Virginia

Form VSA 18 - Beneficiary Transaction Request is used to add, change, or remove a beneficiary on a certificate of title for a vehicle.

The parties involved in this form are the vehicle owner or titleholder and the Virginia DMV. The form consists of sections where the applicant needs to provide essential information, such as the vehicle's details, the name of the beneficiary, and their relationship to the owner.

Important fields in this form include accurate information about the vehicle, the owner's details, and the beneficiary's name and relationship to the owner. It is essential to provide precise and correct beneficiary information to ensure that the intended individual is designated as the beneficiary on the vehicle's title.

An example scenario where this form would be used is when a vehicle owner wants to update the beneficiary information on the vehicle's title, such as adding a spouse or removing a previous beneficiary. By completing Form VSA 18 and providing the necessary details, they can request the DMV to update the beneficiary information on the vehicle's title.

No additional documents are typically needed to complete this form, as it primarily serves as a request to update the beneficiary information on the title. Related forms or alternatives may include applications for adding or removing beneficiaries on other types of legal documents, such as wills or insurance policies.