Form DTS 65a. Online Driver Education Monitoring Instructor Examination Script - Virginia

Form DTS 65a. Online Driver Education Monitoring Instructor Examination Script - Virginia

Form DTS 65a - Online Driver Education Monitoring Instructor Examination Script is used by driver training schools to provide instructions to instructors on how to monitor the final examination for the online driver education course.

The parties involved in this form are the driver training school instructors responsible for monitoring the online driver education final examination and the school administration overseeing the examination process.

The form would likely contain detailed instructions for instructors on their role during the examination, such as how to ensure a secure testing environment, how to address technical issues, and how to handle any questions or concerns from the students.

Important fields in this form may include step-by-step instructions for the instructors, guidelines for handling various scenarios, and contact information for technical support or school administrators.

An example scenario for using Form DTS 65a would be a driver training school that offers an online driver education course with a final examination. Before conducting the examination, the school provides the instructors with this form, which includes clear instructions on how to oversee and monitor the examination process to ensure fairness and compliance with examination guidelines. By using this form, the school ensures that the examination is conducted smoothly and that the instructors are aware of their responsibilities during the examination period.

Additional documents needed for this process may include any supplementary materials or resources to assist the instructors in monitoring the online examination effectively.

As for related forms, alternative versions may exist for providing instructions to instructors for different types of examinations or assessments in various educational settings.