Form LIC 01A. Resource Family Application - California

Form LIC 01A. Resource Family Application - California

Form LIC 01A is an application form used in California for individuals interested in becoming a resource family. The purpose of this form is to initiate the application process and gather essential information about the prospective resource family.

The form consists of sections where the applicant provides personal information such as name, address, contact details, and background information. There are fields to document the applicant's household composition, including information about all adult members residing in the home.

Important fields in this form include accurately providing personal information and disclosing any relevant background information, such as criminal records or prior child welfare involvement. It is crucial for the applicant to fill out the form honestly and thoroughly, as the information provided will be used to assess their eligibility and suitability to become a resource family.

Application Example: An individual or couple interested in becoming a resource family in California would need to complete Form LIC 01A. By submitting this form, they officially initiate the application process and provide necessary information about themselves and their household.

Related Forms: While Form LIC 01A is the primary application form for resource families in California, it is often accompanied by other forms specific to the licensing and approval process. These additional forms may include background check authorization forms, reference forms, and training verification forms.