Form HSMV 78065. Application for Formal or Informal review of Driver License - Florida

Form HSMV 78065. Application for Formal or Informal review of Driver License - Florida

The Form HSMV 78065, known as the Application for Formal or Informal review of Driver License, is used in Florida by individuals who wish to contest actions taken against their driver's license by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). The form enables individuals to request a formal or informal review of their driver's license status.

This form typically consists of sections that require accurate completion, including personal information of the individual, details about the driver's license action being contested, explanation of the reasons for the request, and any supporting evidence or documentation. It may also include fields for additional information or documentation requirements, such as police reports or medical records.

When filling out this form, individuals should provide accurate personal information and a clear explanation of the reasons for contesting the driver's license action. They should include any supporting evidence or documentation that strengthens their case. Depending on the type of review requested, additional documentation such as police reports or medical records may be required.

This form is used by individuals in Florida who wish to challenge actions taken against their driver's licenses by the DHSMV. By completing the Application for Formal or Informal review of Driver License, they can present their case and provide evidence to support their request for a review of their driver's license status.

An alternative form related to driver's license reviews could be an Appeal Form used for administrative hearings. However, the Application for Formal or Informal review of Driver License specifically focuses on requesting a review of driver's license actions by the DHSMV in Florida.