Form SSA-3033. Employee Work Activity Questionnaire

Form SSA-3033. Employee Work Activity Questionnaire

Form SSA-3033, the Employee Work Activity Questionnaire, is used to collect information about an individual's work activity while they are receiving disability benefits. The primary purpose of this form is to assess and verify the work activity of disability benefit recipients to determine if they are still eligible for benefits.

For example, if someone is receiving disability benefits and is working part-time or engaging in work-related activities, they may need to complete this questionnaire to provide details about their work activity. The purpose is to assess whether the individual's work activity affects their eligibility for disability benefits.

The parties involved are disability benefit recipients and the SSA. The form consists of sections for the recipient's information, work activity details, and an explanation of their work-related activities. Accurate reporting of work activity is important to determine continued eligibility for disability benefits.