Form SSA-186. Temporary Institutionalization Statement to Maintain Household and Physician Certification

Form SSA-186. Temporary Institutionalization Statement to Maintain Household and Physician Certification

Form SSA-186 serves as the Temporary Institutionalization Statement to Maintain Household and Physician Certification. The main purpose of this form is to allow individuals to report temporary institutionalization and maintain their household certification for Social Security purposes.

For example, if someone receiving Social Security benefits is temporarily institutionalized in a medical facility, they would use this form to report the temporary change in their living situation. The purpose is to ensure that their household certification is maintained during this period and their benefits are adjusted accordingly.

The parties involved are individuals receiving Social Security benefits and the Social Security Administration. The form consists of sections for the individual's information, details about the institutionalization, and certification by a physician. Completing this form accurately is important to maintain benefits and household certification.