SCDMV Form FR-309. Traffic Collision Report

SCDMV Form FR-309. Traffic Collision Report

The SCDMV Form FR-309 is used to report a traffic collision to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. This form is required by law when a collision results in property damage of $1,000 or more, bodily injury, or death.

The form consists of multiple sections where the involved parties need to provide information about themselves, their vehicles, and the circumstances surrounding the collision. This includes details such as the date, time, and location of the collision, as well as a description of the vehicles involved and any contributing factors.

It is important to accurately fill out all the required fields and provide as much information as possible to assist in the investigation of the collision. The form should be submitted to the SCDMV within 15 days of the collision.

An example of when this form might be used is if two drivers were involved in a car accident that resulted in property damage exceeding $1,000. Both drivers would need to complete and submit an FR-309 form to report the collision to the SCDMV.

While there are other forms available for reporting accidents, FR-309 is specifically designated for traffic collisions and meets the legal requirements set by the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.