SCDMV Form 5048-B. Authorized Agent Contact Information for State Board or Commission License Plates

SCDMV Form 5048-B. Authorized Agent Contact Information for State Board or Commission License Plates

The SCDMV Form 5048-B is designed to collect contact information for authorized agents responsible for managing State Board or Commission License Plates in South Carolina. When a state board or commission qualifies for specialty license plates, an authorized agent must complete this form to provide their contact details for communication and coordination purposes.

The form includes sections where the authorized agent can enter their personal information, such as name, address, and contact details. They are also required to provide information about the board or commission they represent, including the name, purpose, and any relevant identifying numbers.

It is important for the authorized agent to accurately complete all the required fields and provide any supporting documentation if necessary. The completed form must be submitted to the SCDMV for verification and record-keeping purposes.

Example: A staff member of a state agency is assigned as the authorized agent for managing specialty license plates for a particular state board. They would complete this form, providing their personal information and details about the board they represent.

Related Forms: There are no directly related forms specific to authorized agents for state boards or commissions, but alternative forms for specialty license plate applications may include forms for military, organizational, or personalized license plates.