DA Form 1259-R. Teletypewriter Conference Record (LRA)
The DA Form 1259-R is used to record the proceedings of teletypewriter conferences. It consists of multiple sections including the date and time of the conference, the participants' names and organizations, agenda items, and any actions or decisions made during the conference. Important fields to consider when filling out this form include accurately recording the participants' names and organizations, as well as any actions or decisions made during the conference.
This form is important for documenting the discussions and outcomes of teletypewriter conferences, which are often used for communication between different Army units or agencies. It ensures that all relevant information is recorded and can be referred back to if needed. An application example of this form would be if two Army units need to discuss a joint operation and hold a teletypewriter conference to coordinate their actions. The DA Form 1259-R would be used to record the details of the conference and any agreed-upon actions.
A related form to the DA Form 1259-R is the DA Form 1594 (Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer's Log), which is used to record the daily activities and significant events of an Army unit. The main difference between these two forms is that the DA Form 1259-R specifically focuses on documenting teletypewriter conferences, while the DA Form 1594 is a more general record of daily activities.