Oregon DMV Form 735-7496. Trip Permit Statement Capture

Oregon DMV Form 735-7496. Trip Permit Statement Capture

Form 735-7496 - Trip Permit Statement Capture is used to report information related to the issuance and use of trip permits for commercial vehicles in Oregon.

This form is used to capture information about the issuance and utilization of trip permits for commercial vehicles, ensuring that the DMV has accurate records of permit-related activities.

Example Scenario: A trucking company operating commercial vehicles in Oregon needs to report the use of trip permits for specific trips. They complete this form to capture and submit the necessary information, helping the DMV maintain accurate records of permit usage.

Parties Involved: This form is typically completed by individuals or businesses that have acquired trip permits for their commercial vehicles. It includes sections for permit details, vehicle information, and a summary of permit usage for specific trips.

Related Forms: There are no direct analogues, but it's crucial for tracking and recording the use of trip permits, ensuring compliance with state regulations for commercial vehicles operating in Oregon.
