OCFS-4930-1. Guidelines for Fingerprinting

OCFS-4930-1. Guidelines for Fingerprinting

The OCFS-4930-1 form provides guidelines for fingerprinting individuals seeking employment or volunteer opportunities at child care facilities in New York State. The primary purpose of this form is to provide instructions and information to both applicants and child care facilities on the fingerprinting process and requirements.

The form consists of several important parts, including an overview of the fingerprinting process, detailed instructions on completing the OCFS-4930 form, and information about fees and scheduling appointments. Additionally, the form includes important legal information regarding the use of fingerprinting results and the rights of individuals regarding their personal information.

It is important to note that both the applicant and the child care facility are parties involved in the fingerprinting process. The applicant must follow the guidelines outlined in the OCFS-4930-1 form to ensure that their fingerprinting results are valid and acceptable for employment or volunteering at a child care facility. The child care facility is responsible for ensuring that all employees and volunteers have undergone the necessary background checks, including fingerprinting.

By providing clear instructions and guidance on the fingerprinting process, the OCFS-4930-1 form helps to ensure that individuals seeking employment or volunteer opportunities at child care facilities can complete the necessary steps efficiently and effectively. This, in turn, helps to maintain the safety and well-being of children in child care facilities throughout New York State.
