OCFS-4707. Youth Advisory Board Member Application

OCFS-4707. Youth Advisory Board Member Application

Form OCFS-4707 is a Youth Advisory Board Member Application form used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. The purpose of this form is to allow young people with lived experiences in the child welfare system to apply for membership on the Youth Advisory Board.

The form consists of sections where the applicant provides personal information, shares their experiences in the child welfare system, and explains their interest in becoming a Youth Advisory Board member. The form may also require references or recommendations from individuals who can speak to the applicant's suitability for the role.

Important fields in this form include accurate and authentic information about the applicant's experiences and their motivation for joining the Youth Advisory Board. The Board serves as a platform for youth to advocate for improvements in the child welfare system, and selecting passionate and committed individuals is crucial to its success.

Application Example: A young person who aged out of foster care and wants to make a positive impact on the child welfare system would complete this form to apply for membership on the Youth Advisory Board. The young person will share their experiences, achievements, and goals for advocating for improvements in the system.

No additional documents are mentioned in the form, but the applicant may need to submit letters of reference or recommendation from individuals who can attest to their qualifications and suitability for the role.

Related Form: There might not be an exact analogue for this form, as the application process for joining the Youth Advisory Board may be unique to each jurisdiction or agency. However, other forms related to youth involvement and participation in child welfare decision-making may exist within the Office.