NYS DMV Form MV-1E. Statement to Register a Vehicle Under Article 38

NYS DMV Form MV-1E. Statement to Register a Vehicle Under Article 38

The NYS DMV Form MV-1E, known as the Statement to Register a Vehicle Under Article 38, is specifically designed for disabled US veterans who have obtained a vehicle under Title 38 Chapter 39 of the US Code. This form allows eligible veterans to be exempt from registration fees for their vehicles.

When completing this form, disabled US veterans need to provide accurate and detailed information about their veteran status and the vehicle they are registering. It is important to ensure all necessary fields are completed correctly to avoid delays or potential issues with the registration process.

An example application for this form would be a disabled US veteran who has acquired a vehicle through VA benefits and seeks to register it without having to pay the usual registration fees. By submitting the Statement to Register a Vehicle Under Article 38, they can take advantage of the exemption provided under the applicable laws.

It's important to note that this form is specific to disabled US veterans registering vehicles under Article 38. For other types of vehicle registrations or circumstances, different forms may be required. Additionally, veterans should ensure they meet the eligibility criteria and have the necessary documentation to support their veteran status when submitting this form.