NJ MVC Form GU-41a - Application for Special Road Crossing Permit "Section A"

NJ MVC Form GU-41a - Application for Special Road Crossing Permit "Section A"

Form GU-41a, known as "Section A" of the Application for Special Road Crossing Permit, is used to provide additional details about a special road crossing request in New Jersey. It serves as an extension of Form GU-41 and helps provide comprehensive information for road closure permits.

An example scenario for using this form would be an event organizer who has already submitted the initial Form GU-41 and is now providing more specific information about the event, including the exact route and safety measures needed for road closures.

Form Structure

This form is an extension of Form GU-41 and is typically submitted as part of the application process for a special road crossing permit. It involves the same parties, including the applicant (individual or organization), the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, and relevant authorities responsible for road closures and safety.

How to Fill Out and Submit the Form

When completing this form, the applicant should provide detailed information about the event or project, specifying the route that requires road closures, additional safety measures, and any other pertinent details. "Section A" of the application should be submitted along with the initial Form GU-41 to provide a comprehensive picture of the road crossing request.

It's essential to ensure that all information is accurate and complete to facilitate the review and approval process. Like Form GU-41, this form should be submitted well in advance of the planned event or project to allow for adequate processing time.

Related forms or alternatives may include forms for standard road closure permits or extensions, but Form GU-41a specifically addresses the need for detailed information when requesting special road crossings in New Jersey.