Mass RMV - Multiple Offense OUI Hardship License Criteria

Mass RMV - Multiple Offense OUI Hardship License Criteria

Form Multiple Offense OUI Hardship License Criteria serves as a checklist to assess eligibility for a hardship license for individuals who have had their license suspended or revoked due to multiple offenses of operating under the influence (OUI).

If you have lost your driver's license due to multiple OUI offenses and are seeking a hardship license, this checklist helps you determine whether you meet the criteria for obtaining such a license.

Form Structure

This form is intended for individuals seeking a hardship license. It consists of a series of criteria that applicants need to meet in order to be considered eligible for a hardship license. The criteria may include completing alcohol education programs, serving mandatory suspension periods, and meeting legal requirements.

How to Fill Out and submit the Form

Applicants should review the checklist and provide the necessary information to demonstrate their compliance with the listed criteria. If the criteria are met, the completed form can be submitted along with the necessary supporting documents to the RMV for further review and consideration.

While completing the form, remember to include any relevant documentation that proves your compliance with the criteria, such as completion certificates from alcohol education programs or proof of completion of suspension periods.

Alternative form: Hardship License Application (form T21042)