DA Form 1622-R. Bond for Safekeeping of Government Property Issued to Educational Institutions (LRA)

DA Form 1622-R. Bond for Safekeeping of Government Property Issued to Educational Institutions (LRA)

DA Form 1622-R is a form used for the safekeeping of government property issued to educational institutions. Its main purpose is to document the transfer of government property to educational institutions and ensure its safekeeping.

The form consists of several parts, including the identification of the educational institution receiving the property, a detailed description of the property being transferred, and a section for the signatures of both the issuing authority and the receiving institution.

Important fields on the form include the property description, quantity, and value, as well as the date of transfer and the signatures of both parties involved. It is important to accurately fill out these fields to ensure proper documentation and accountability.

An application example of DA Form 1622-R would be when a military base transfers equipment or supplies to a local school for educational purposes. By using this form, both parties can ensure that the property is accounted for and properly maintained.

An alternative form that could be used for a similar purpose is DD Form 1348-1A, which is used for the issue and receipt of property. The main difference between the two forms is that DA Form 1622-R specifically caters to educational institutions, while DD Form 1348-1A is more general and can be used for various types of property transfers.