Lost Scholarship Appeal Letter

Lost Scholarship Appeal Letter

The purpose of the lost scholarship appeal letter is to request a reconsideration of a scholarship decision and potentially reinstate the student's financial aid.

Parties Involved: The student who lost the scholarship and the scholarship committee or relevant authority responsible for the decision.

Important Considerations:

  • Effective communication: The letter should be clear, concise, and persuasive, conveying the student's sincere desire to regain the scholarship.
  • Explanation of reasons: The student should address the reasons for losing the scholarship, such as academic performance, conduct, or other factors, providing an honest and reflective account.
  • Mitigating circumstances or improvements: The student should present any mitigating circumstances that may have affected their performance and emphasize any improvements since the scholarship was lost.
  • Plan for success: The student should outline a detailed plan for future success, including specific steps they will take to ensure academic excellence and personal growth.
  • Supporting documentation: It may be necessary to attach relevant documents, such as updated academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, or certificates of achievements.

Application Examples and Use Cases:

  1. Academic performance: A student lost their scholarship due to a temporary setback in grades caused by personal issues. The appeal letter highlights the circumstances, such as family health problems, and provides evidence of subsequent academic improvement.
  2. Conduct issue: A student lost their scholarship due to a disciplinary issue. The appeal letter acknowledges the mistake, demonstrates remorse, and describes steps taken to ensure it won't happen again, such as attending counseling or participating in community service.

Sample of Lost Scholarship Appeal Letter

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]
[Scholarship Committee's Name]
[Scholarship Committee's Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Subject: Appeal for Reinstatement of Scholarship
Dear [Scholarship Committee's Name],
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to appeal for the reinstatement of my [Scholarship Name], which I recently lost due to [specify the reason for scholarship loss, such as academic performance or conduct].
Firstly, I want to express my sincere regret for not meeting the requirements of the scholarship during the previous academic term. I take full responsibility for my actions and understand the significance of upholding the standards set by the scholarship program. However, I believe there were extenuating circumstances that negatively impacted my performance.
One of the primary factors that affected my academic progress was a family health crisis. During that period, I faced immense emotional and psychological stress as I assumed the role of primary caregiver for my ailing parent. The demanding nature of this responsibility, along with multiple hospital visits and medical emergencies, significantly diverted my attention and energy from my studies. Although it was an incredibly challenging time, it taught me valuable lessons about resilience, time management, and adaptability.
Since the loss of the scholarship, I have taken proactive steps to address my academic and personal shortcomings. To illustrate my commitment to improvement, I would like to share some specific measures I have undertaken:
Seeking Academic Support: I have reached out to professors, academic advisors, and tutoring services to develop a personalized academic plan. I am now attending regular tutoring sessions to strengthen my understanding of the subject matter and enhance my study skills.
Time Management: Recognizing the importance of effective time management, I have implemented a strict schedule, allotting dedicated hours for studying, completing assignments, and engaging in extracurricular activities. This structured approach ensures that I allocate sufficient time to excel academically while actively contributing to university community initiatives.
Personal Well-being: I have prioritized self-care and sought counseling from the university's support services. Through these sessions, I have gained valuable insights into managing stress and balancing my responsibilities, which will undoubtedly contribute to both my academic and personal success.
Attached to this appeal letter, please find updated academic transcripts that reflect significant improvement in my grades since the previous term. These transcripts, along with letters of recommendation from my professors, attest to my dedication and renewed commitment to excellence.
In light of the above, I kindly request the scholarship committee to reconsider its decision and reinstate my [Scholarship Name]. I firmly believe that the adversities I faced have strengthened my resolve and determination to not only meet but exceed the expectations set forth by the scholarship program.
Thank you for taking the time to review my appeal. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunities the scholarship has provided thus far, and I remain committed to seizing them moving forward. Should you require any additional documentation or information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I eagerly anticipate the committee's favorable consideration.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]


  • Opportunities for reflection and improvement.
  • Provides a chance to present compelling reasons and evidence.
  • Demonstrates the student's commitment to personal growth and success.


  • Success is not guaranteed, and the decision lies with the scholarship committee.
  • Some cases may lack strong mitigating circumstances or improvements, making it challenging to persuade the committee.

Alternative Forms/Analogues:

  • Scholarship Reinstatement Request Form: Some institutions may have a specific form to be filled out rather than submitting a letter.
  • Scholarship Appeals Committee Hearing: In some cases, a student may have the option to present their case orally before a committee.

Effects on Future Participants:

  • The form offers an avenue for students to rectify a loss and potentially continue their education with financial aid support.
  • Positive outcomes can motivate students to achieve higher academic standards and personal growth.

The letter is typically submitted to the scholarship committee or relevant authority responsible for scholarship decisions. The submission process may vary, so it's essential to follow the specified instructions or guidelines. The letter and any supporting documents should be stored as evidence of the appeal process, ensuring proper documentation and record-keeping.

Overall, the lost scholarship appeal letter serves as an opportunity for students to address the reasons for losing their scholarship, present mitigating circumstances, and outline a plan for future success. While success is not guaranteed, it offers a chance to regain financial aid and continue educational pursuits.