INV Form 41. Investigative Request for Employment Data and Supervisor

INV Form 41. Investigative Request for Employment Data and Supervisor

The INV Form 41 - Investigative Request for Employment Data and Supervisor is a document designed to facilitate the collection of essential employment-related information and supervisor details as part of an investigative process. This form plays a crucial role in obtaining accurate and comprehensive data about an individual's employment history and interactions with their supervisors. It is commonly used by investigative agencies, law enforcement, human resources departments, and similar entities to gather pertinent information for a variety of investigative purposes.

Key Sections and Fields:

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: The full name of the subject under investigation.
  • Date of Birth: The subject's date of birth.
  • Social Security Number: The subject's unique Social Security Number.
  • Employee/Subject ID: Any specific identification number assigned to the subject.

Employment History:

  • Employment Start Date: The date when the subject started working at a particular job.
  • Employment End Date: The date when the subject ended their employment at a particular job.
  • Employer Name: The name of the subject's employer during the specified employment period.
  • Job Title: The position or job title held by the subject during the specified employment period.
  • Supervisor's Name: The name of the supervisor the subject reported to during the specified employment period.
  • Supervisor's Contact Information: Contact details of the supervisor, including phone number and email address.

Investigative Details:

  • Investigative Case Number: A unique identification number assigned to the investigative case.
  • Investigative Agency: The agency or organization conducting the investigation.
  • Investigator's Name: The name of the investigator responsible for the case.
  • Investigative Purpose: A brief description of the purpose and scope of the investigation.
  • Authorization and Consent: A section where the subject provides consent for the release of their employment data and supervisor information for investigative purposes.


  • Subject's Signature: The subject's signature as an indication of their consent.
  • Date: The date when the subject signed the form.

Form Purpose: The INV Form 41 - Investigative Request for Employment Data and Supervisor serves as a critical tool in gathering accurate and relevant employment-related information as part of an ongoing investigation. It ensures that investigators have access to the subject's employment history and supervisor details, which can provide insights into the subject's past interactions, responsibilities, and conduct within the workplace. This form streamlines the data collection process, enhances the efficiency of investigations, and maintains a record of the subject's consent for information release. The form is instrumental in maintaining transparency and compliance with legal and ethical standards while conducting thorough investigations.