Form MCSA-5876. Medical Examiner's Certificate (MEC)

Form MCSA-5876. Medical Examiner's Certificate (MEC)

The Medical Examiner's Certificate (MEC), Form MCSA-5876, is a crucial document in ensuring the safety and efficiency of the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) industry. This form certifies that a CMV driver has met the necessary medical requirements to operate a commercial vehicle safely. In this article, we will delve into the details of the Medical Examiner's Certificate, including its components, importance, and the process of completing the form.

The MEC form consists of several essential fields:

  1. Driver's personal information: Includes name, date of birth, and mailing address.
  2. Driver's license data: Includes state, license number, and type of license.
  3. Medical examiner's information: Name, address, and contact number of the medical examiner.
  4. Medical examination information: Date of examination, type of physical exam, and subsequent eligibility periods.
  5. Certification categories: Shows if the driver meets the medical standards and if there are any restrictions or limitations.
  6. Special instructions or notes: Any additional information the medical examiner deems necessary for the driver's safety on the road.

The most important fields in the MEC form are the certification categories, which indicate whether the driver meets the required medical standards. Additionally, the medical examiner's information is vital as it provides a point of contact for any inquiries or issues related to the driver's medical certification.

The MEC Form MCSA-5876 is used by certified medical examiners when examining CMV drivers to ensure they meet the regulatory requirements set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The form is required for any driver operating a commercial vehicle in the United States, regardless of the state in which they are licensed. It must be completed every two years, or more frequently if the driver has specific medical conditions that warrant closer monitoring.

Medical examiners must ensure they conduct a thorough evaluation of the driver's health, following FMCSA guidelines. Any specific medical concerns, such as insulin-treated diabetes, respiratory issues, or mental health disorders, must be addressed and noted on the form. Proper documentation of any necessary limitations or restrictions is essential to ensure driver safety.

The MEC form serves as a uniform format for reporting medical examination results for CMV drivers, ensuring that all medical examiners adhere to detailed guidelines set by the FMCSA. This helps maintain the safety and well-being of both the drivers and the general public.

Errors or omissions in the form can lead to misunderstandings or complications in the CMV driver's ability to operate their vehicles safely. Therefore, it is crucial to complete the form accurately and double-check all entered information.

Other forms that may be relevant in the CMV medical examination process include:

After completing the MEC, the medical examiner submits it electronically to the FMCSA. It is then linked to the driver's record in the Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS). The driver will receive a printed copy of their MCSA-5876 for their records and must carry this while operating a CMV. Furthermore, medical examiners are required to retain a copy of the completed form for at least three years from the date of examination.