Form LIC 9098. Proof Of Correction(s) - California

Form LIC 9098. Proof Of Correction(s) - California

Form LIC 9098 is used in California by licensees or individuals responsible for correcting violations or deficiencies identified during inspections or investigations. The main purpose of this form is to provide evidence and documentation of the corrective actions taken to address the identified issues.

The form consists of sections where the licensee or responsible individual describes the violation(s) or deficiency(ies) that were found, outlines the corrective actions taken to address each issue, and provides supporting documentation, such as photographs, receipts, or reports. It may also include sections for signatures and dates to verify the completion and effectiveness of the corrective actions.

Important fields on this form include accurately identifying the specific violations or deficiencies that need correction, providing a clear and detailed description of the corrective actions taken, and attaching all relevant supporting documentation. It is crucial to thoroughly address each identified issue and ensure that the corrective actions comply with applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

Application Example: After an inspection of a child care center in California revealed a violation related to a damaged playground structure, the licensee completes Form LIC 9098 to document the correction. The form details the nature of the violation, describes the repairs made to the structure, and includes photographs showing the completed work. This form serves as evidence that the licensee has addressed the identified violation and taken appropriate measures to maintain a safe environment for the children in their care.