MD MVA Form DL-043A - Vision Screening Form

MD MVA Form DL-043A - Vision Screening Form

Form DL-043A - Vision Screening Form is used to record the results of an individual's vision screening during the driver's license application or renewal process.

This form is vital for ensuring that drivers meet the visual acuity requirements for safe driving. During the application or renewal process, individuals may be required to undergo a vision screening, and the results are recorded on this form. For example, an individual renewing their driver's license would take a vision screening, and the results would be recorded on this form to assess their eligibility for renewal.

The parties involved include the applicant, the vision screening examiner, and the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration. The form typically includes sections for personal information, the results of the vision screening, and any required remarks. Accurate recording of vision screening results is essential to determine if an individual meets the visual requirements for safe driving.
