FL-107-INFO. Legal Steps for a Divorce or Legal Separation

FL-107-INFO.  Legal Steps for a Divorce or Legal Separation

FL-107-INFO is an informational form provided by the California Courts to help individuals understand the legal steps involved in obtaining a divorce or legal separation in California.

The form provides general information on the process of filing for divorce or legal separation, including the different types of filings available in California, such as summary dissolution, uncontested divorce, and contested divorce. It also outlines the basic steps that are typically involved in these proceedings, such as filing a petition, serving the other party, responding to the petition, discovery, negotiation/settlement, trial, and final judgment.

It is important to note that this form is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. If you require specific legal advice regarding your individual situation, it is recommended that you consult with an attorney who is licensed to practice law in California.

FL-107-INFO is a one-page informational form that provides general information on the legal steps involved in obtaining a divorce or legal separation in California. The form is part of the "Family Law - Dissolution, Legal Separation and Annulment" series of forms provided by the California Courts.

The form begins by providing an overview of the different types of filings available in California, including summary dissolution, uncontested divorce, and contested divorce. It then outlines the basic steps involved in the process of filing for divorce or legal separation, including filing a petition, serving the other party, responding to the petition, discovery, negotiation/settlement, trial, and final judgment.

The form also provides some helpful tips for individuals who are considering filing for divorce or legal separation in California, such as seeking legal advice, making sure to comply with court rules and deadlines, and considering alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation.

FL-107-INFO concludes with information on how to obtain additional resources and assistance with the divorce or legal separation process, including links to the California Courts website for further information and referrals to legal aid services.

Overall, FL-107-INFO serves as a useful resource for individuals who are considering or going through the process of filing for divorce or legal separation in California.