DD Form 441. Department of Defense Security Agreement

DD Form 441. Department of Defense Security Agreement

DD Form 441 - Department of Defense Security Agreement is used to establish a security agreement between the Department of Defense and an individual or entity that requires access to classified information or secure areas.

The form consists of sections where the individual or entity agrees to abide by security regulations and maintain the confidentiality of classified information. It serves as a legal agreement to ensure proper security measures are upheld.

Important fields in this form include the individual's or entity's agreement to comply with security regulations, their signature, and the effective date of the agreement. Accurate completion is crucial to establish a legal and binding security arrangement.

Application Example: A contractor requires access to a secure military facility to perform classified work. They complete DD Form 441, agreeing to adhere to security regulations and maintain information confidentiality. Proper completion establishes the legal framework for secure access.