DA Form 285. Technical Report of U.S. Army Ground Accident

DA Form 285. Technical Report of U.S. Army Ground Accident

DA Form 285 is a report form used by the U.S. Army to document and investigate ground accidents involving Army personnel, vehicles, or equipment. This form is used to gather detailed information about the accident, including the date, time, location, description of the accident, damages, injuries, and contributing factors.

The form consists of sections where information about the accident can be recorded, such as the unit involved, vehicle or equipment details, personnel involved, witness statements, and a narrative description of the accident. It may also include sections to document the extent of damages, injuries sustained, and any corrective actions taken or recommended.

Important fields in this form include accurately documenting the accident's details, including the sequence of events, contributing factors, and any witness statements. It is crucial to provide a thorough and objective account of the accident to facilitate a comprehensive investigation and identify measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Application Example: Army personnel involved in or witnessing ground accidents use DA Form 285 to report and document the details of the incident. This form helps initiate an investigation into the accident, determine its causes, and implement corrective actions to improve safety and prevent future accidents.

Related Forms: DA Form 285-A, Technical Report of U.S. Army Ground Accident Index A, is an index form that accompanies DA Form 285. It provides a summary of multiple DA Form 285 reports, allowing for easier tracking and reference of ground accidents within a specific unit or organization.