DD Form 2996. Department of Defense Suicide Event Report

DD Form 2996. Department of Defense Suicide Event Report

DD Form 2996, also known as the Department of Defense Suicide Event Report (DoDSER), serves as a crucial document for collecting information on suicides and instances of self-harm behavior, including suicide attempts and suicidal ideations. It is primarily used among active military personnel, reserve military personnel, and members of the National Guard. The purpose of this form is to gather data on these events to prevent future occurrences, promote the health of the Armed Forces, and comply with relevant regulations.

Key Sections:

  • Privacy Act Statement: This section provides individuals with information about the purpose of collecting their personal information for inclusion in the DoDSER and how it will be used. It also explains the authority and regulations that permit the collection and outlines the routine uses of this information.

  • Authority: The form cites various legislative authorities, including sections of the U.S. Code (10 U.S.C.) and regulations like the Privacy Act of 1974. These authorities empower the Department of Defense to collect and use this data for health surveillance and prevention.

  • Purpose: The purpose section clarifies that the primary goal of collecting this information is to understand and prevent suicides and self-harm behaviors within the military community.

  • Routine Uses: This section explains how the collected data may be used and disclosed outside the Department of Defense, in accordance with the Privacy Act and DoD Blanket Routine Uses. It also mentions the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI) in compliance with the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

Usage Scenario: DD Form 2996 is used in the context of military health surveillance and prevention. It is typically initiated when there is an incident related to suicide or self-harm behavior within the military, and it helps gather essential data for analysis and intervention. This form is vital for tracking trends, identifying risk factors, and implementing measures to enhance the mental health and well-being of military personnel.
