DD Form 2912. Claim for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expense (TQSE) (Sub-voucher)

DD Form 2912. Claim for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expense (TQSE) (Sub-voucher)

DD Form 2912, Claim for Temporary Quarters Subsistence Expense (TQSE) (Sub-voucher), is a form used by military personnel who are seeking reimbursement for temporary lodging and meal expenses incurred during a permanent change of station (PCS) move.

The main purpose of this form is to request reimbursement for expenses related to temporary lodging and meals during a PCS move. The form consists of several parts, including personal information, details about the PCS move, and a section for detailing the expenses incurred.

Important fields include the applicant's full name, rank, and social security number. It is also important to provide detailed information about the PCS move, including the duty station and the date of travel.

The parties involved in this form are the military member and their finance office. It is important to consider that filling out this form does not guarantee reimbursement, and additional documentation may be required to support the application.

When filling out the form, applicants will need to provide information such as their travel dates, the number of dependents, and details about the temporary lodging and meal expenses incurred. Additionally, supporting documents such as receipts and orders may need to be attached.

Application examples and use cases include military personnel who are moving to a new duty station and require temporary lodging and meals. Strengths of this form include the ability to obtain reimbursement for expenses incurred during a PCS move, while weaknesses may include potential delays in processing the request or denial of reimbursement if the application is not filled out completely or accurately.

Alternative forms that may be relevant include the DD Form 1351-2, Travel Voucher or Subvoucher, which is used to request reimbursement for other travel expenses incurred during a PCS move. The main difference between the DD Form 2912 and the DD Form 1351-2 is that the DD Form 2912 is specific to temporary lodging and meal expenses.

The submission of this form can impact the future of the participants as it may affect their ability to receive reimbursement for expenses incurred during a PCS move. The form should be submitted to the finance office, and any updates or changes to travel plans or expenses should be reported to the office as soon as possible. The form will be stored by the finance office for future reference.
