DD Form 1789. Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Evaluation

DD Form 1789. Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Evaluation

DD Form 1789 - Armed Forces Professional Entertainment Evaluation is used for evaluating professional entertainment performances provided to the Armed Forces.

The form consists of sections where event organizers or attendees provide feedback on the quality, impact, and appropriateness of the entertainment performance. The form may include details about the event, the performing group, the audience's response, and any recommendations for improvement.

When filling out DD Form 1789, it's important to provide honest and detailed feedback about the entertainment performance. The form helps in assessing the effectiveness of entertainment initiatives in boosting morale and supporting military objectives.

Application Example: A musical band performs for deployed troops. Using DD Form 1789, attendees provide feedback on the performance's entertainment value and its positive impact on troop morale, helping event planners make informed decisions for future entertainment programs.

No additional documents are typically required for filling out DD Form 1789. An alternative form could be AFE Form 451, Air Force Entertainment Evaluation, used to evaluate entertainment events for Air Force personnel.