DD Form 1219. Bituminous Mix Curves

DD Form 1219. Bituminous Mix Curves

DD Form 1219 - Bituminous Mix Curves is used to graphically represent the properties of bituminous mixtures. The form captures data related to stability and flow properties obtained from the Marshall test, allowing for the visualization of mix characteristics.

The form consists of a graph where users plot stability values on the x-axis and flow values on the y-axis. The graph helps visualize the relationships between stability and flow for different asphalt mixtures.

Important fields in this form include the stability and flow values. Accurate plotting and labeling are important for the graph to accurately represent the properties of bituminous mixtures.

Application Example: Asphalt mix designers and engineers use DD Form 1219 to graphically analyze the properties of bituminous mixtures, aiding in the selection of suitable mixes for road construction projects.

Related Form: DD Form 1218 is related, as it involves the computation of properties of asphalt mixtures using the Marshall method.

Alternative Form: AASHTO TP62 is a standard test method used for determining the dynamic modulus of hot mix asphalt using the Indirect Tensile Test.