DD Form 1213. Compression Test, Unconfined

DD Form 1213. Compression Test, Unconfined

DD Form 1213 - Compression Test, Unconfined is used to record the results of compression tests conducted on unconfined soil specimens in the laboratory. The form captures data essential for assessing the soil's compressive strength and behavior.

The form consists of sections where users can document details about the soil sample, test type, sample dimensions, applied load, and deformation measurements. It also provides space for recording the stress-strain relationship and other relevant data.

Important fields in this form include the applied load, deformation measurements, and stress-strain relationship. Accurate data collection and precise measurement are vital for accurate assessment of soil compression behavior.

Application Example: Geotechnical engineers and soil scientists use DD Form 1213 to evaluate the unconfined compressive strength of soil, aiding in determining its load-bearing capacity.

Related Form: DD Form 1212 is related, as it involves laboratory testing for soil load-bearing capacity.

Alternative Form: ASTM D2166 is a standard test method used for determining the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil.