DA Form 5701-228. Oh-58a/C and Th-67 Performance Planning Card

DA Form 5701-228. Oh-58a/C and Th-67 Performance Planning Card

DA Form 5701-228 is the Performance Planning Card (PPC) used for OH-58A/C and TH-67 helicopters within the Department of the Army. It's an essential tool for aviation personnel to plan and execute safe and efficient flights with these helicopter models.

The form consists of sections where critical flight information is recorded, including mission type, weather conditions, fuel calculations, crew and passenger details, and communication frequencies. It also includes sections for weight and balance calculations, performance data, and emergency procedures specific to these helicopter models.

Important fields in this form include weight and balance information, fuel calculations, and performance data. Accurate completion of the form is crucial to ensuring the safety of the flight and optimizing the helicopter's performance.

Application Example: Helicopter pilots and crew use DA Form 5701-228 to plan a reconnaissance mission using an OH-58A/C helicopter. They input details about the mission's purpose, anticipated weather, and crew assignments. The form guides them in calculating fuel needs, ensuring weight distribution is within limits, and having emergency procedures easily accessible.

No additional documents are typically required to complete this form.

Related Form: DA Form 2408-13 - Aircraft Status Information Record. This form is used to document aircraft maintenance and status information.