DA Form 5624-R. Dc Defibrillator Inspection Record

DA Form 5624-R. Dc Defibrillator Inspection Record

DA Form 5624-R is used to record inspections of DC defibrillators.

The form comprises sections where details about the defibrillator inspection, including date, inspector information, inspection results, and any corrective actions, are documented. It serves to assess and document the condition and functionality of DC defibrillators.

Important fields in this form encompass inspection date, inspector details, inspection results, and actions taken. Accurate completion of this form is vital for ensuring the proper functioning of DC defibrillators, which are critical medical devices used in emergency situations.

Application Example: A medical technician performs a routine inspection of a DC defibrillator and completes DA Form 5624-R to document the inspection outcomes. By accurately recording the inspection details and addressing any issues, the form helps ensure the reliability of the defibrillator in emergency medical situations.