DA Form 4701-R. Request for Avfuels Identaplates (LRA)

DA Form 4701-R. Request for Avfuels Identaplates (LRA)

Form DA 4701-R is used as a Request for Avfuels Identaplates (LRA) in the Army. This form serves as a request tool for avfuels identaplates, which are used for fueling military aircraft and vehicles.

The form consists of sections where specific details of the fuel request are recorded, including the type and quantity of avfuels needed, the aircraft or vehicle information, and the purpose of the fuel request. It includes information about the requesting unit or individual and the responsible authority for approving the fuel request. Additionally, the form may include sections for tracking the delivery and usage of avfuels identaplates.

Important fields in this form include accurate documentation of the avfuels request and proper authorization from the responsible authority. Accurate completion of this form is crucial to ensure the efficient and secure management of avfuels for military operations.

Application Example: A military aviation unit requires a refueling of several aircraft for a training exercise. The unit's logistics officer completes Form DA 4701-R, providing the specific details of the avfuels request, including aircraft identification numbers and the requested quantity of avfuels. The completed form is then submitted to the base fuel depot for processing and issuance of the avfuels identaplates. By doing so, the military ensures that avfuels are appropriately allocated for operational readiness.

Individuals filling out this form should consider any additional supporting documents, such as mission orders or flight plans, that may be required to support the avfuels request.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form DA 4701-R, as it serves as a specialized request form for avfuels identaplates. However, there might be other forms related to fuel requisition or vehicle and aircraft fueling documentation used in similar military logistics operations.