DA Form 3733-R. Self-Service Supply Center Account Card (LRA)

DA Form 3733-R. Self-Service Supply Center Account Card (LRA)

DA Form 3733-R is an account card form used for establishing and maintaining an account with the Self-Service Supply Center. This form allows authorized individuals to make purchases from the center using their account.

The form consists of sections where the individual's personal information, such as name, rank, and unit, can be provided. It also includes sections for recording the account number, authorized purchase limit, and any special instructions or restrictions related to the account.

Important fields in this form include the individual's personal information, account details, and any specific terms or conditions associated with the account. Accurate and up-to-date information should be provided to ensure proper account management and.

Application Example: DA Form 3733-R is used by authorized individuals who wish to establish an account with the Self-Service Supply Center. Once the form is completed and approved, the individual can use their account to make purchases from the center within the authorized limits. This form helps streamline the procurement process and provides a convenient method for authorized personnel to obtain necessary supplies and equipment.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to DA Form 3733-R, as it specifically addresses the account establishment and management for the Self-Service Supply Center. However, other forms related to procurement, supply management, or account authorization may exist within the Army or Department of Defense.