Form LIC 9230. Licensing Program Analyst (LPA) Checklist For Complaint Review - California

Form LIC 9230. Licensing Program Analyst (LPA) Checklist For Complaint Review - California

Form LIC 9230 is used in California by Licensing Program Analysts (LPAs) to review and document their assessment of complaints received regarding licensed facilities. This form is completed by LPAs who are responsible for investigating and resolving complaints related to licensed facilities.

The form consists of sections that guide LPAs through a checklist of items to consider during the complaint review process, including investigation protocols, evidence gathering, interviews, and documentation. Important fields include identifying information about the facility, details of the complaint, findings, and recommended actions. Accurate and thorough completion of this form is essential for maintaining a record of the complaint review process and ensuring appropriate actions are taken to address any issues identified.

An application example of this form would involve an LPA completing Form LIC 9230 when conducting a complaint review related to a licensed facility. They would go through each section of the checklist, document their findings, and recommend actions based on their investigation. By using this form, LPAs can ensure consistency in the complaint review process, track actions taken, and promote accountability in addressing complaints related to licensed facilities.

Related forms: A related form is Form LIC 9229, the Licensing Program Manager (LPM) Checklist for Complaint Review. Although both forms serve the purpose of documenting the complaint review process, they are tailored to different roles within the licensing agency. Form LIC 9230 is specific to LPAs, while Form LIC 9229 is for LPMs. The main difference lies in the responsibilities and perspectives of these two roles within the complaint resolution process.