DD Form 1719. Voluntary Education Program Report, DoD

DD Form 1719. Voluntary Education Program Report, DoD

DD Form 1719 - Voluntary Education Program Report, DoD is used for reporting information about voluntary education programs within the Department of Defense.

The form consists of sections where educational institutions or individuals provide details about the voluntary education programs offered, including course offerings, enrollment numbers, and outcomes. Additional sections may include information about financial assistance, educational partnerships, and signatures.

When completing DD Form 1719, it's important to accurately report the relevant information about the voluntary education programs. The form helps track the effectiveness of these programs and ensures transparency in their administration.

Application Example: A military installation offers a range of voluntary education programs to service members. By submitting DD Form 1719, the educational institution reports on the enrollment numbers, course completion rates, and other relevant data, allowing the Department of Defense to assess the impact of these programs.

No additional documents are typically required for filling out DD Form 1719. An alternative form could be DA Form 1559, Voluntary Education Record, used for recording information about voluntary education programs for Army personnel.