DA Form 1135-R. Personal Property Permit (LRA)

DA Form 1135-R. Personal Property Permit (LRA)

The DA Form 1135-R is used to document and authorize the movement of personal property from one location to another within the Department of Army. It is commonly used when a member of the Army is moving to a new duty station or when personal property needs to be transported for official purposes.

The form consists of three parts: the original copy, the duplicate copy, and the triplicate copy. Each copy contains sections for identifying information such as the name and rank of the individual, the unit or agency involved, and the destination and purpose of the property movement.

Important fields to consider when filling out the form include the description of the property being moved, the estimated weight, and the mode of transportation. It is important to accurately describe the property and estimate its weight to ensure that the appropriate resources and accommodations are provided.

The parties involved in the form are the individual moving the property, the unit or agency responsible for approving the move, and any transportation personnel involved in the movement. It is important for all parties to carefully review the form and ensure that all information is accurate before signing and submitting it.

An application example for the DA Form 1135-R would be when a soldier is being transferred to a new duty station and needs to have their personal belongings transported to the new location. By filling out this form, the soldier can request authorization for the movement of their property and ensure that it is safely and efficiently transported.

An alternative form to the DA Form 1135-R is the Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt. While both forms can be used to document the movement of personal property, the DA Form 1135-R is specifically designed for use within the Department of Army, while the Form 1297 is more commonly used in a broader military context.