CA DMV Form DL 950. External Account and Role Request

CA DMV Form DL 950. External Account and Role Request

Form DL 950, titled "External Account and Role Request," is a document used in California for individuals or organizations requesting external account access and specific roles within the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) system.

The main purpose of this form is to request access to specific external accounts within the DMV system and to designate the roles or permissions needed by the requester. This allows authorized individuals or organizations external to the DMV to access and work with specific systems or databases for various purposes, such as data integration, reporting, or information exchange.

The form requires the requester to provide their personal or organizational information, including their name, contact details, and any relevant identification numbers. It also includes sections where the requester can specify the type of access needed, the specific DMV system or database involved, and the roles or permissions required within that system.

When completing the DL 950 form, it is important to accurately provide all required information and clearly specify the desired access levels and roles. The form should be submitted to the appropriate authority within the DMV for review and approval.

An example of when this form would be used is if an organization or entity needs access to specific DMV systems or databases in California to integrate their services or exchange information. They would need to complete and submit the DL 950 form, providing all necessary information and specifying the requested access and roles.

There are no direct alternatives or analogues to the DL 950 form within California's DMV system. However, other states may have similar forms for requesting external account access and role designations within their DMV systems.