AF Form 3527. NAF Employee Performance Evaluation

AF Form 3527. Naf Employee Performance Evaluation

AF Form 3527 - NAF Employee Performance Evaluation serves as an employee performance evaluation form for non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees within the Air Force.

This form is used to evaluate the performance of NAF employees, who are typically civilian employees working in non-appropriated fund activities such as recreational facilities or clubs on Air Force bases. It includes sections for employee information, performance ratings, and comments. The parties involved are NAF supervisors or managers responsible for evaluating employee performance and NAF employees being assessed.

Example scenario: The manager of a recreational facility on an Air Force base conducts annual performance evaluations for the facility's NAF employees. AF Form 3527 is used to assess and document each employee's performance, helping to determine salary increases, promotions, or other personnel actions based on performance.
