AF Form 910. Enlisted Performance Report (AB/SPC1 thru TSGT)

AF Form 910. Enlisted Performance Report (AB/SPC1 thru TSGT)

The AF 910 Enlisted Performance Report is a form used by the United States Air Force to evaluate and document the performance of enlisted personnel from AB/SPC1 through TSGT ranks. This form serves as an important tool for promotions, career development, and personnel management.

The form consists of several parts including identifying information, duty-related information, performance feedback, and promotion recommendations. The identifying information includes the name, rank, and service number of the individual being evaluated. Duty-related information includes the member's duty title, organization, duty description, and key responsibilities. Performance feedback includes specific accomplishments, areas of strength, areas needing improvement, and overall performance ratings. Promotion recommendations include recommendations for both current and future promotions.

It is essential to consider accuracy and thoroughness when filling out this form, as it can impact the career trajectory of the individual being evaluated. Data required when filling out the form includes specific examples of job performance, awards and decorations received, and any disciplinary actions taken against the individual.

Additional documentation that may be required includes any notes or memos related to particular achievements or incidents, as well as any relevant training records.

Applications for this form include regular evaluations of enlisted personnel, determining eligibility for promotions, and providing feedback for career development. Strengths of this form include its comprehensiveness and attention to detail. However, weaknesses include potential biases and subjectivity in the evaluation process.

Alternative forms include the Officer Performance Report (AF Form 707), which is used to evaluate the performance of officers, and the Enlisted Performance Feedback Worksheet (AF Form 931), which provides less comprehensive feedback and is used for lower-level evaluations.

Submitting the AF 910 form typically involves routing it through various levels of command for review and approval before being stored in the individual's personnel record.

Overall, the AF 910 Enlisted Performance Report plays a crucial role in the career development and advancement of enlisted personnel in the US Air Force.