NYS DMV Form ELT-3. Application for Title/Lien Escrow Account

NYS DMV Form ELT-3. Application for Title/Lien Escrow Account

Form ELT-3 is used to apply for a Title/Lien Escrow Account with the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). An escrow account is used to cover lien filings and ensure that funds are available for processing and managing liens on motor vehicles and boats titled in New York.

NYS DMV Form ELT-5. Lender Application for Participation in the Electronic Lien Transfer Program

NYS DMV Form ELT-5. Lender Application for Participation in the Electronic Lien Transfer Program

Form ELT-5 is used by lenders to apply for participation in the Electronic Lien Transfer (ELT) Program administered by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

NYS DMV Form ELT-6. Service Provider Application for Participation in the Electronic Lien Transfer Program

NYS DMV Form ELT-6. Service Provider Application for Participation in the Electronic Lien  Transfer Program

Form ELT-6 is used by service providers to apply for participation in the Electronic Lien Transfer (ELT) Program administered by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

NYS DMV Form FI-17. Report of Unauthorized Use of License/Registration (Instructions Included)

NYS DMV Form FI-17. Report of Unauthorized Use of License/Registration (Instructions Included)

Form FI-17 is used to report the unauthorized use of a license or registration document issued by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

NYS DMV Form FM-138. Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposits (ACH Debits/Credits)

NYS DMV Form FM-138. Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposits (ACH Debits/Credits)

Form FM-138 is used by DMV escrow account holders in New York State who wish to enroll for electronic payments through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) system.

NYS DMV Form FM-139. ACH Liaison Designation

NYS DMV Form FM-139. ACH Liaison Designation

Form FM-139 is used by DMV escrow account holders in New York State to designate an electronic payment liaison.

NYS DMV Form FS-113. Certificate of Removal From United States and Canada

NYS DMV Form FS-113. Certificate of Removal From United States and Canada

Form FS-113 is used when a vehicle registered in New York State (NYS) is being removed from the United States and Canada and will be exempt from NYS insurance requirements. This form must be filed in duplicate along with the registration receipt.

NYS DMV Form FS-15. Affirmation Under Section 318 (9) and 318 (11) of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law

NYS DMV Form FS-15. Affirmation Under Section 318 (9) and 318 (11) of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law

Form FS-15 is used when applying for a license after serving a mandatory one-year revocation for an uninsured accident and paying a mandatory $750 civil penalty.

NYS DMV Form FS-25. Request and Reply for New York Insurance Information

NYS DMV Form FS-25. Request and Reply for New York Insurance Information

Form FS-25 is used to request and obtain insurance information from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for registrants involved in a specific motor vehicle accident.

NYS DMV Form FS-48. Financial Security Exemption Application

NYS DMV Form FS-48. Financial Security Exemption Application

Form FS-48 is used to apply for an exemption from New York State's auto liability insurance coverage requirements (NYS Financial Security Law) for vehicles that were at a registered NYS repair shop or junk/salvage facility.