Form VSA 10 B. Antique License Plate Applicant Certification - Virginia

Form VSA 10 B. Antique License Plate Applicant Certification - Virginia

Form VSA 10B - Antique License Plate Applicant Certification is used by owners of antique motor vehicles, antique trailers, and antique motorcycles to certify compliance with the Code of Virginia requirements for the use of antique license plates.

The parties involved in this form are the owners of antique vehicles and the Virginia DMV. The form consists of sections where the applicant needs to provide essential information, such as the vehicle's details, proof of the vehicle's age, and certification of compliance with the Code of Virginia requirements for antique plates.

Important fields in this form include accurate vehicle information, such as the make, model, year, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), as well as documentation supporting the vehicle's antique status. Certification of compliance with specific Code of Virginia requirements for antique plates is crucial for obtaining the specialized license plate.

An example use case for this form is when an owner of an antique vehicle wants to register the vehicle with an antique license plate, which is available for vehicles that meet specific age and usage criteria. By completing Form VSA 10B and providing the necessary documentation, they can request the antique license plate for their vehicle.

No additional documents are typically needed to complete this form, as it primarily serves as a certification of eligibility. Related forms or alternatives may include applications for other specialized license plates available for vintage or historic vehicles in other states.